This will be described by prone-2-crouch elevator
1. Find a spot that you can either A) Prone under, but not crouch, B) crouch under, but not stand, C) stand under, but not jump under.
2. Walk as close to the wall as possible.
3. Turn slightly to the left or right. If you turn left you will be strafing right to find where you cannot crouch, and vice versa.
4. Change you stick layout to Legacy Southpaw so you will not unintentionally f*** this up. Buttons to default for the same reason.
5. Go to prone position and strafe to find the place where you cannot stand.
6. Once you have found where you cannot stand inch back the other direction standing up after each bit you move.
*. The goal is to find the spot at which you can stand, and can't stand meet. This is the location of the elevator